The Weekend

Literacy wasn't a big focus today. Math curriculum mapping took up the entire day. I handed out a copy of this poem to celebrate our math map enterprise. I was a little nervous to pass out the poem but I think the colleagues appreciated it. They didn't say anything. Just stared blankly, or smirked a little, but I think deep down inside they were genuinely touched.
Now I'm relaxing as I always do on Friday evenings. I've read a few blogs and I read a news article about Pronto's trial. Now I'm watching Glee. Jane Lynch is making me laugh.


Anonymous said…
1. Love the photo. You should make your own calendar at the end of the year.
2. Love the poem. And
3. Talking about math is literacy.

KC said…
At school, we have a literacy coach and a numeracy coach, but the numeracy coach uses literacy strategies to help kids learn math.

literacy is truly awesome.
Anonymous said…
I had a volunteer tell me she was really going to ramp up next year and volunteer in the library a lot. And BTW, she asks, what would be the best way to organize the books?
cb said…
Literacy, math, poetry, Jane Lynch, Friday evenings . . .

There is so much to love in this blog entry. As always.

Thank you, Miss Lee.
Anonymous said…
jw: That's truly frightening!

LH said…
JW, What the heck? Am I naive, or does something like that happening seem absolutely impossible because of its stupidity?

Thanks Cynthia!

I'm liking that Mary Cornish poem about Numbers I found, but that's not going to be my PiYP. (just fyi, all)
Julie Anna said…
Being a number person and a word person, I am completely in love with this poem. I'd been looking for my PiYP poem and not totally feeling it with any poem until I read this one. It will be my PiYP poem tomorrow.
LH said…
I love it too. If it weren't for curriculum mapping and national poetry month I never would have found it.

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