The Lunch

Lots of literacy at lunch today. Kiddos wanted to read their poems to me and to each other. The adults wanted me to listen to their poems too and they wanted to tell me the story behind picking said poems. There was a temporary crisis when we found a poem on the ground that seemed to have been written by a sixth grader---- I hate my life and I'm going to use this knife is how it began. A teacher was harping at me, "Look what's happened because of this poem in your pocket thing! Look what I have to deal with now."
I calmly answered, "Well, I think we're learning that Poem In Your Pocket Day has a darker side. A darker side that we have to accept."
Everyone calmed down after my calming words and we went back to celebrating and appreciating the kind of literacy we call poetry.


mm said…
Once again I love your pix.

It seems to me PiYP brought up something that was already real. Now the student has a way to express and call for help.
KC said…
I love this photo, too.

And I agree with Mary. This sixth grader was already dealing with those thoughts and feelings.

It's not the literacy coach's fault. It almost never is.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Poem in your pocket day will save a life. That'd be awesome.
Anonymous said…
Exactly right! Because of poetry, this 6th grader was able to put his feelings out there. The teacher should have been so thankful to discover what is brewing and brooding inside this kid. Now, someone needs to do something about it.
Hooray for PiYP Day!

Anonymous said…
Your photo is an absolute masterpiece!!!!


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