The Praise

Literacy stories have not been a big part of my day. Mostly I've been working on a power point because we have to give a chat to some principals this week about our school's RtI program. I'm nowhere near done with it.
I was getting a bit nervous about not blogging today when I remembered a third grader saying to me, "My teacher read that paper that had your name and we liked it."
So I gave her a hug and moved on when later an adult came up to me and said, "How's it feel to be a master teacher, huh???"
"Well, I guess pretty good," I responded, unsure. That's when she told me that a teacher pal had referred to me in a news article (See link below). So after dinner I decided to find the article. I read it and was so pleased to read a nice compliment about me. I called Husbandman over to read the compliment portion of the article. "This is what I'm going to blog about!" I announced cheerfully."
"You're going to blog about an article in which someone praises you?"
"Absolutely I am," I answered.
"Where's the shame?" he asked, which makes no sense at all to me. | Bird nesting site in jeopardy


KC said…
That is such a nice quote. It's obvious that the teacher really appreciated your efforts as literacy worker.
cb said…
That is so cool. And well deserved.

Maybe your husbandman meant to say "Where's the chain?" That makes a little bit more sense.
jdoc said…
I've always thought of you as a master teacher. It's about time the papers got to mentioning it.
Anonymous said…
Tell P it was necessary for you to blog about the compliment. We've heard about the slights and the weird remarks and the no one showing up for your workshop and... It's about time someone there said something positive, and about time it was made public.
Anonymous said…
Why would there be shame?

Humility perhaps I would have at least understood, not that I'm suggesting you should have foregone the praise blogging. Oh no. Opportunities for praise blogging are rare enough indeed and must be celebrated.

Was he referring to that old saw about it being appropriate to have one's name in the paper only when announcing one's wedding or one's funeral?


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