This is the final blog of 2009. It's been a great blogging year, with many good, if not always fascinating, stories to share. The blogging challenge has been good for me. In the past, I've frequently felt conflicted between a strong desire to blog and a nagging sensation that I have nothing of particular interest to write, on any given day. But with the blogging challenge, we blogged on regardless and it's felt surprisingly good to check in with the blogosphere each day, even if just for a minute, even if I was a bit nervous about low quality posting. But here's the thing. We've put our hearts into this challenge, readers and writers alike and we all deserve to win. Sadly, I'm the only one who actually can win. But that's how things are sometimes.
I'm feeling pretty hopeful about this coming year. Happy New Year Good Friends! We're off to a very good start.


Judy said…
I alwalys feel like a winner because that's the kind of person I am. :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the winning--I knew you could do it! I'm so glad to be learning some interesting turtle facts, too. The contest needs to extend a bit to get us through the duldrums of winter. We need the BLOG!!!!!!!
kc said…
Happy New Year, Winner! I am going to send you "A Year of Mornings" the photo blogging book Dorothy mentioned way back at the beginning. I know you'll love this book.
jdoc said…
Congrats, Lee! You deserve this. I'm going to keep on blogging. The challenge got me going.

Happy New Year, friend.
Anonymous said…
Congrats Lee! You are definitely a winner.
I consider myself a winner too, and i don't even have a Blog. But I did make it through another year - fairly unscathed.
And speaking of turtles, I have one for you.
Happy New Decade.


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