The Productivity

There was a lot going on today. I helped out at 2 grade level meetings. And I started a voice thread with some second graders. And I listened to a webinar on testing. And I gathered info for a helpful chart that I personally made. I sent out a zillion important emails. I played with playdoh while singing This Old Man a couple of times with a group of K's. I stopped a kid from running down the stairs by holding my arm out and asking him to slow down, thus causing him to fall on the ground, screaming and yelling and contorting and pulling his shoes off and throwing them around and banging his head against some concrete. He kept yelling, "You're making me miss my bus!!!!!" And I really did make him miss his bus. But I think he has to take some responsibility as well. I felt bad for the guy, but he really over reacted, imho.
Except for the crazy kid meltdown, I felt I was fairly productive.


kc said…
Are those Moxie girls??
LH said…
Yes, but i'm not sure if they're in their moxie world or not.
Anonymous said…
Looking closely at your "production" list, I'm wondering if you "LOVED" any of it.

LH said…
I loved the voice thread with the
2nd grade and I loved singing This Old Man with the K's while we played with playdoh. This little cute wrote, "Let's sing it again!" so we did.
Anonymous said…

kc said…
Is the 2nd grade voicethread online? if so, shef will love to comment.

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