It's funny.

Ze matskhik.

I saw a Reality TV show called HandyMan the other day.  The handymen had a challenge to take a bunch of chairs and turn them into tables.  They used their special handyman tools and they made some fun little tables.  That's something I wish I could do. I would like to make a table out of just regular supplies.  When I return stateside, I'm probably going to apprentice myself to a carpenter or some type of table artist.  My tables will be one of a kind.


LH said…
Once again I've forgotten the need to know part. We all need to know how to make furniture of various types since furniture is a basic human necessity.
mm said…
The only furniture I've ever made was bookcases out of bricks and boards in college and a few years following.
KC said…
Great idea. Please learn how to do this, and then share the knowledge via this blog.
Deborah M said…
I've got just the place for honing your carpenter skills when you are stateside! Marc AdamsSchool of Carpentry, "the Premier Woodworking School in North America" - just up the road in Franklin, Ind.
I'm thinking woodworking might be next for me if the urban planning dries up.
Anonymous said…
I actually need some tables. So please make some for me.
LH said…
Okay, on it.
lee said…
And Deborah, Thanks for the recommendation. Right in Indiana. That's going to be way convenient.
Anonymous said…
Tables for fotd!
Sandy said…
I haven't seen that show; however once I watched a reality show called "Vanilla Ice goes Amish" for a whole day!! Gotta tell you it was quite entertaining!
LH said…
Vanilla Ice Goes Amish. I can't think of anything better than that.

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