I saw a good movie today.

Raiti seret tov hayom.  (Inside Llewyn Davis.  See it if you feel like it).

Another great thing about Be'erotayim is the lack of light pollution out there in the desert, so the stars were in splendid display.  I lounged in our hammock and stared up at them for quite some time.

And another great thing about that place is that there's a plethora of birds about. Yesterday morning we got up at the crack of dawn and went off to find the famous houbara bustard. The houbara does a nerdy little mating dance this time of year.  I saw it with my own eyes.  We consider ourselves novice birders so it was kind of neat to be with College Chum and her crew of serious birders. If you want to be a serious birder, this is what you need to know. You should eventually invest in a high power telescope.  Also, always remember to offer views through your telescope to the others who haven't yet bought their telescopes. The birders on our trip did this and it was extremely fun to see clear close up views of shrikes, little grebes and arabian babblers.  Lastly, if you offer the birds food, most of them will come and eat from your hands. So pack some grubs next time you head out on an early morning bird trip.


mm said…
You have such amazing experiences!
KC said…
Someday, I probably want to be a birder. In the future. When I no longer live in this godforsaken hellscape where birds can probably no longer live because of the endless winter.
Anonymous said…
Ok. What?! These birds eat out of your hands??!! Bonus! I'm going to try that with the pileated woodpecker living out in the back woods this week. Look at those camels just laying around as if that's the most normal thing in the world.

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