How are you all today?

Tr: Ma shlomkhem hayom?

Huddle up peeps, it's time for the Monday Writing Report (MWR).  Let's stop the folderol and get down to brass tacks. Frankly, not a lot to report.  I've outlined the intro and the first 3 chapters of the proposal and today was my day to tackle chapter 4.  I'm sorry to tell you that it simply didn't happen.  I tried and I failed. That's just how this stuff goes sometimes.  I'll try again tomorrow. Yes, of course I'm annoyed, but that's neither here nor there. I've got to take responsibility for this epic fail and look forward.

Husbandman and I finished Season 1 of Game of Thrones last night.  Game of Thrones is one oddball show.  I could do without the decapitations and tongue removals to tell you the honest truth. And the deaths by burning. But mostly we're enjoying it.


Anonymous said…
Wow! That's an awesome pic. What is it? Today was an ok day for me. I did feel as though I was moving through sludge. I'm not sure why. I hope to be a little more perky tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Love the pic!!!
mm said…
Is that a jelly fish... Cool!

Good luck with your writing... perhaps it will go better tomorrow (or maybe it's already today for you).
LH said…
A bunch of gigantic jelly fishes had committed suicide on our Haifa Beach. Not sure why, but I do love the pix I got.

Monday was sluggish, but Tuesday worked out pretty well. I outlined chapter 4 at last. Not the best outline I've ever created, but it is done for now. Phew.

Thanks dolls!
KC said…
Way to proceed, LEE! You're doing great.
LH said…
Thanks, KC. I'm keeping in mind the old adage.... slow and steady wins the race.

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