Sankalpa Day 6

It's time for the Monday Writing Report (MWR).  Today I read in Julia Cameron's book that it's more important to focus on what we are doing, than how we are doing.  So even when it seems like we're not doing that great with our project, we can just focus on the doing and keep going.  Today I did not work very hard on the proposal for the conference, but I did write down some notes.  The theme of the conference will be STORY, the landscape of experience.  Something like that.  My article fits well into the theme because I'm writing about how kids write their stories and how teachers can help them revise their stories.  So I'll keep plugging away.  I have a little over a week til it's due.

The EDITOR wrote me back just about 10 minutes ago. She had some suggestions for changing the outline, making it simpler and more focused.  I'm not positive I can do what she wants, but I'm going to give it a try.  Even though she wasn't ecstatic about the outline, she wasn't telling me to get out of her face and never contact her again or she'd call the police and have me arrested.  So, I'm going to stay strong and give it another go.  Yikes.


mm said…
I would love to read your article... really!!
LH said…
Shoot me an email and I'll send it to you, mm
Anonymous said…
The article is incredible! I love the way lee goes about teaching the writing process. I wish I'd known lee when I was a classroom teacher!
LH said…
Thanks Judith, for reading, for responding so nicely and for being so awesome.
KC said…
Well, I also want the article! Geez!
LH said…
And read it you shall.

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