Learning 5: The Bass

I want to learn the name of this cool lizard. THANKS, JANET!!!!! 
#1 Son taught me how to play that bass line of Louie Louie on his 6 string electric bass.  Feeling pretty good about that.  I have low standards for myself in the music department, so I ignored a few of # 1's tips about holding down strings so they wouldn't vibrate between notes. I want to learn the bass line for Come Together.  # 1 says it might be hard for me.  

Janet took these pictures in HAWAII!!!!  My dream is to go to this beautiful place.


mm said…
I hope you are able to learn more bass!
Sarah Gardner said…
I'd like to be able to play a musical instrument. Good for you!
KC said…
I'm super impressed by this!
Anonymous said…
You must learn the bass part to Come Together! If you do that, then I will too. Sounds like our Q is a good teacher, just like his parents. xx
LH said…
Okay, doll, let's give it a try. He's pretty patient with me so I think he does have the teacher gene.

I want to work with the stand up but he keeps saying the electric is better for me.

Rats. I really want to learn how to play that stand up.

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