Image 28: Pencilton

#1 Son is up in Indy watching Arcade Fire.  I'm stressed because the tv keeps reporting that some tornados may touch down in Indy tonight.  I love having children, but this kind of moment gets a 5 on the fist of 5 scale for worst frickin parenting moments.   Wondering if a tornado's going to land on your kid sucks.
On a more upbeat note, my neck feels a little better.


kc said…
I'm really positive that everything is going to work out okay. Perhaps you should text #1 constantly??
Anonymous said…
Glad the neck feels better. I think stress is the culprit. Worst moments for parenting actually get two fists of five!! I am worrying for and with you. I know he has the tornado drill down pat, so he will be completely fine.
mm said…
I love the pink hat on Pencilton.
He texted me a little while ago. Come on, mom, who would stress about Quinn? #Irony.
dw said…
Glad to hear Q is still around and texting. And I really like Pencilton,too.
jdoc said…
I have so many worries ahead of me. This one is a 5 for sure.

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