Image 13: Teapot

#1 Son helped with this image of a surly teapot.

I came upon a little guy in the hallway yesterday, slumped against the wall.  When I asked him why he wasn't in class, he told me that he'd been kicked out because he was acting silly.  I loved this of course and asked him what he did.  Basically the kid couldn't stop laughing because some other kid kept saying, "bubblegumpy."
"This kind of thing happens to me all the time," I told him.  "It's so hard to stop laughing.
He said, "I tried to stop.  I kept pressing my teeth together as hard as I could."
I praised his efforts and told him that I sincerely hoped he could get back into class soon.  "We need you in the game kiddo.  You're one of our best."  I know it's wrong to compare people, but he really is.


Judy said…
Love this teapot!
Anonymous said…
I have always loved, and still love, the way you interact with kids.
Julie Anna said…
I had this happen to me in a meeting once. My face was purple and there were tears running down my face from suppressed laughter. Just thinking about the word "bubblegumpy" is making me laugh.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of gum, I just noticed that the next Word Verification for your blog is "gumstac."
Using it.
jdoc said…
I love this story and would like for all children to get to talk with you, LH. And if we can't arrange that, then I'd like that for my own child at least.
mm said…
I like that you stopped and talked to him.
dw said…
I also liked the story, but I really liked the teapot. It was short and stout. I never realized it, but I think the teapot in the famous song was probably kind of surly too. I mean, imagine having to explain that this is your handle and this is your spout? Shouldn't that be obvious?
KC said…
i love this story, and I've always felt like jdoc - i want my kids to come to b-town and come to yours and strieb's school.
cb said…
I enjoyed this story and the teapot very much.

Your writing produces such an authentic voice -- your voice -- it's really unique. I know it's wrong to compare but it truly is.
StreibProjects said…
I think I kicked G-dog out 9 times yesterday. That’s gotta be a record or something. He was driving me nuts. At the end of the day I asked him, what is with you today? And he said, I have a headache. I said, well thanks for giving it to ME!
LH said…
G-dog!!!! He is a force of nature! Of course he could transmit headaches from his brain to the the brains of others!
Anonymous said…
"Surly" is among my favorite words. Too bad it does not promote a happier image all by itself, but "surly teapot?" Now there's a cheerful mental picture.

mem in ca

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