Image 20: Dr. Blue

#1 son made this guy last night.  He has named him Dr. Blue.  I'm going to own up to feeling a bit
blue today. I spent the day in a workshop about making school culture more collaborative and I have to question my own ability to collaborate with others sometimes.  I want so much to improve at this crazy literacy partner job.  Tough stuff and sometimes I get too frazzled with wanting things to be a certain way at our Artful School. 

Today I found out I'm a "NORTH" compass point, jumping in and not being patient with others.
Being a literacy partner can feel like jumproping in quicksand sometimes. I feel so emotionally connected and can feel so inspired and full of hope, and then I can feel so hopeless and worried.  Oh well.  I know these Dr. Blue days won't last forever. I have a great love for the work we do there.  And the peeps too


Anonymous said…
The state of our profession these days would cause anyone to have a blue mood now and then. What will save you is your love for the peeps. And the fact that you're intelligent.

If you have a chance to stop by one day after school, I have some pops and candy bracelets you can give to some of your peeps for Easter (I mean "Spring.")

I won't keep you.

mm said…
I understand the Dr. Blue thing. It's a crazy time, but stay motivated!
jdoc said…
I´m sorry about the blueness. Does Dr. Blue prescibe anything for that or is he not that kind of doc¿

Oops. That question mark is upside down, but I don´t want to fix it because it´s kind of exciting that I can do that. I can also make the following: Ñ ¨ Ç
StreibProjects said…
You are a great literacy coach. I feel privileged to be able to work in the same building with you!
kc said…
I wish you were my literacy partner. We all try our best in this crazy profession. It's just way harder than it seems like it should be.
dw said…
I like the respect. He didn't go to Blue medical school for seven years to be called "Mr. Blue," thank you very much. (movie?)

I don't think you always have to be patient. A little emotionally invested impatience can be a good thing now and then.

Or, as my blogger comment word verification for your post says, "etedumpa!"
Goodwoman said…
Don't be blue, it will clash with the wall color! You're a rockin' coach and everyone is lucky if they get to work with you.
LH said…
D, I would like to come over and be KEPT awhile.

Tomorrow evening?

Hey all, I'm feeling cheerier today, ready to get back into the blog. Today I'll post a guest blogger image, from NANCY!!!

Anonymous said…
You may get this twice. Weird happenings.
I presume you wrote on Wednesday and I'll see you on Thursday. Right?
LH said…
Yes, Thursday!

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