Good for you.

Tr:  Kol Hakavod.
Eurasian Teal, I think
Last year when I worked at my job, I talked to Hunterman a lot about hunting while we did car duty or lunch duty together.  I was thinking of him last weekend when I saw so many cool ducks in the Hula Valley.  Hunterman loved to kill ducks.  One time I put a picture of a Teal on my phone and held it up to him.  "How can you kill this guy?  Look how beautiful he is."
Hunterman replied, "Oh, I'll fill the whole back of my truck with 'em."

I guess he really gets a kick out of killing Teals. I admire the fervor, but I also love the teals and wish they could live their lives to their natural ends.

I'm in a rut with the article, people, and that's why today I did not want to work on it at all.  Leonard Woolf hits the nail on the head with this quote, "The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist's drill."  See?  Leonard Woolf totally gets what I'm going through.  Not knowing how to write the next part is a pain in the keester, as my mom used to say.  Maybe she still says that, I'm not sure. She probably does.  Anyway, I decided to put in a little bit of time today because I'm positive that the only way out of this predicament is through spending time thinking about the project, rather than avoiding it with stretching videos and learning more Hebrew slang expressions I'll never use.  So today I decided to put in the teeniest bit of effort.  The word "micron" came to mind as I started to work.   Come to find out, I didn't even really know what a micron is. Googled it and checked out quite a few micron graphics.  It's super small.  So today I'm putting in a micronic sliver of effort, in the spirit of the old adage, "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."


Anonymous said…
A micron is a micron is what I always say. I love the bird pics. They're amazing! The high today is gonna be in the low 30's and it might snow. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 😊
KC said…
A micron is sometimes all it takes, after all.
Anonymous said…
Micron steps...take micron steps.

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