The Teeth

You know how I do car duty every day right?  Well there's a mom who talks to me every once in awhile.  She's usually late to pick up her 2 cute girls so I've gotten to know her better than most this year.  She has a lot of troubles it seems to me.  Her miniature van is so cruddy it doesn't even deserve the name of miniature van.  And her clothes are kind of a wreck.  And they've had to move several times this year.  I really could go on and on.
Well yesterday she came up to me and she had hardly any teeth left.  I wasn't sure what to say, so I said nothing.  Her teeth were in pretty horrid shape, so I wasn't super surprised to see them gone, ttytt.  After some chit chat about the girls, she said, "I got almost all my teeth pulled out today."  I kind of nodded and winced.  Then she told me that she had 3 more that needed to come out but she had to wait til January for the insurance to pay for those 3 to get yanked!

This girl is TOUGH STUFF!

Geezlouise, I thought, I've got to stop kvetching about stuff.  Case in point.
But if I totally stop, my blog will cease to exist, I thought next.
So there you have it.  We're neither here nor there.


Anonymous said…
Yowch! What kind of workshops are you doing? 21 days my friend!
LH said…
5 90 minute sessions on D5 and CAFE with small groups of teachers. I'm not super prepared, but I did buy everyone a cool 3 ring binder. AND POCKET INSERTS!
StreibProjects said…
It will be awesome. Looking forward to spending time with you :)
Anonymous said…
Why am I not coming to the workshops?
Anonymous said…
Why am I not coming as well? The cool supplies will be a hit, as well as your words of wisdom. Can't you please sneak me and jw in?
Anonymous said…
Hey! Don't forget tomorrow (Wednesday) is your strawberry day. Enough for your workshoppers??

LH said…
Wait. I thought it was Thursday!?
Anonymous said…
Nope. Wednesday, May 11th between 11AM and 1PM.
If you don't get them, call Christina Hurlow at 603-3760 or 287-8771. Or email her at:

Hope this isn't going to mess you up.


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