21. The Wrong Side

I woke up on that wrong side today, so while I'm drinking my coffee, I've been searching on the internets for "what to do when I'm in a really really really bad mood."

The advice sucks of course.

Investigate your bad mood?  No.  Leave me alone.

Help someone in need?  Are you freaking kidding me?

Dance around to a favorite song?  Looking like an imbecile is going to solve all my problems. Sure thing.

One site just said, "Let the bad mood be."  So that's what I'm going to do.  It'll probably go away once we began the standardized testing (Math Performance Tasks) around 9:05.


mm said…
I just lost it with my "honors" class because they have no self motivation. I am now in a bad mood too. My mood will change when my new class enters.
KC said…
Did it go away? I'm still in a really bad mood.
Julie said…
I am starting to feel like I'll be in a bad mood every work day until I retire, which isn't going to happen soon enough.
LH said…
Today I've been in a bad mood all day, but dinner with Nancer was a highlight. Sadly, I just talked about what a bad mood I'm in the entire time, so I wasn't the most fun dinner companion on the planet. Next time, I'll be more cheerful, Nancer!
Nancy said…
You were very cheerful and I hope I helped slap that bad mood out of town!!!

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