19. The Duck ID

Photo Credit:  Judith
I've been learning a ton of stuff today.  I've been at my computer for about 3 hours, just looking at things and texting with people and ordering stuff online and drinking five cups of coffee.  It's been a lot of fun.  20 Something and I have spent a lot of this time sending duck links back and forth.  She sees ducks at Lake Merritt and sometimes she asks me to work with her to identify some of them.  That's when we both roll up our sleeves and get to work. Today we believe we've identified the Swedish Black Duck.  During our search, 20 Something turned me on to the Magpie Ducks.  Sweet birds.
Magpie Ducks, FOTO uncredited.  Sorry, Magpie Duck Photographer


mm said…
I'm not sure what to think. Nice research.
Julie said…
They are pretty cute, as ducks go. I've never seen one like that.

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