There are a lot of flowers here.

Yesh harbe prachim po.

Look how cute they look. Photo Credit: Claire and Nance. 
We ventured out to the IRIS RESERVE on Mt. Gilboa yesterday to take a short hike on the Iris Trail.  Mt. Gilboa has special irises called Gilboa Irises.  We only saw 3 irises because we've had little rain in Host Country this winter, thus diminishing the splendor of the irises.  Still, 3 is better than 0 and there were other cool wildflowers on the trail.  If I hadn't found those 3 irises I would have been sorely disappointed because why travel to the Iris Trail if not to enjoy the splendor of irises?  In stark contrast, these sweet people pictured above ran into each other unexpectedly in San Francisco yesterday.  They weren't looking for each other and had a delightful surprise.  So the lesson to this story is, Don't look for what you want to see. Look for other stuff.


KC said…
What an awesome event! Randomly running into one another in a huge city! R and Nance look fab. I'm assuming that's Nance's SO. He looks great, too!!
Anonymous said…
When I saw this pic I thought maybe I had gone back into your archives somehow. That is so awesome!!!
cb said…
What a wonderful story and photo!

mm said…
I love the lesson, "Don't look for what you want to see. Look for other stuff."
Julie Anna said…
Yes! Or as I tell the husband every time I open the mailbox, "Expect surprises." Because one never knows.
Julie Anna said…
I still can't believe that in all of San Francisco, these folks bumped into each other! What are the odds?
Julie Anna said…
I still can't believe that in all of San Francisco, these folks bumped into each other! What are the odds?

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