I'm a teacher.
Tr: Ani mora.
Huddle up peeps, it's time for the Monday Writing Report (MWR). One thing to realize is that I have a slow long arduous (sometimes boring) writing process that involves several outlines on thinking maps, and then a more detailed outline with yellow grid paper written with a special mechanical pencil, and then typing up a more formal outline, and then revising that outline a bunch of times. Where am I right now? I just finished the first word document outline for this version of the proposal. I've moved from yellow grid paper to keyboarding land.
I like Neil Gaiman's advice to "finish stuff." He says writers learn by writing every day and by finishing stuff. I'm glad to report that a 15 page outline is now an honest to gosh computer file. Tomorrow morning I'll start revising it and will probably revise 2 or 3 more times before sending it off to the publishing house for round 2 of editor feedback. No light at the end of the tunnel yet with this new proposal, but the train is moving slowly along the track. Right now it's wine time.
Huddle up peeps, it's time for the Monday Writing Report (MWR). One thing to realize is that I have a slow long arduous (sometimes boring) writing process that involves several outlines on thinking maps, and then a more detailed outline with yellow grid paper written with a special mechanical pencil, and then typing up a more formal outline, and then revising that outline a bunch of times. Where am I right now? I just finished the first word document outline for this version of the proposal. I've moved from yellow grid paper to keyboarding land.
I like Neil Gaiman's advice to "finish stuff." He says writers learn by writing every day and by finishing stuff. I'm glad to report that a 15 page outline is now an honest to gosh computer file. Tomorrow morning I'll start revising it and will probably revise 2 or 3 more times before sending it off to the publishing house for round 2 of editor feedback. No light at the end of the tunnel yet with this new proposal, but the train is moving slowly along the track. Right now it's wine time.