Do you want anything else?

Od mashehu?

Friends, I've done it again.  After WordSavvy texted me a few photos of her massively huge swollen face, I strongly encouraged her to head on over to the ER, STAT.

I also told her that in all likelihood she had been misdiagnosed earlier in the week.

Intake staff agreed with me and admitted KC to the hospital.  If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times, you don't play around when your face doubles in size.  Your face is sitting right next to your brain my friends.  I don't care what anyone says, you don't want your infected face becoming your infected brain. KC's getting antibiotics now and is doing fine.

Beloved Readers, I've got time on my hands these days so let me know if you need a consult about any medical conditions that may be of concern. Your safety and well being is of paramount importance to me.  Husbandman feels the same.


KC said…
Your sage advice was invaluable once again. I love you, alittleleeway!!
mm said…
Good job!
Anonymous said…
Holy smokes, batman!!! I'm so glad you helped her out,lee. That's just gruesome.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh this sounds awful!! So glad you helped KC!! Way to save the day Lee!
Anonymous said…
That was from KV
Julie Anna said…
Good rule of thumb! My face swelling to double is the only thing standing between me and getting to Israel at this point. If it's going to happen, let it happen now, rather than later, although I'd prefer never.

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