The Los Angeles Dodgers

Husbandman's from LA, so we used to go there frequently, and yes, we would go to Dodgers Stadium, located in the Chavez Ravine.  Mostly we watched the games on TV, with Husbandman's dad.  He listened on the radio while we were watching, which I always thought was pretty neat. He used to get pretty het up about losses, as I recall.  Husbandman's no different.  Now Magic Johnson's group has bought the Dodgers for TWO BILLION DOLLARS.  Geezlouise, I wish someone would give just one million dollars to Artful School, so we could be as artsy as we wanted and I wouldn't have to play in another stupid golf scramble next month.  But that's not going to happen, so the next best thing that could happen is if you would sign this petition about getting rid of that horrible IREAD test I've been telling you about.


KC said…
I did it. I'm against this ridiculous test.
dw said…
Okay, I'll sign. Sorry I don't have $1M for Artful School.
Anonymous said…
If I could win one of those mega million lotteries, I would give you a million for your artful school.


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