The Bar

These are the tough times, the last crazed weeks of the school year.  I spent about 90 minutes in the cafeteria today.  I wouldn't recommend 90 minutes of caf duty to anyone.  It can really mess up your hearing big time.  Today was salad bar day.  Salad bar day sucks so much.  The peeps can go in entrance #1 for noodles, or they can go in door #2 for salad bar.  The #1 gal is super fast and has earned my undying respect and admiration.  Salad bar gal?  Not so much.  It doesn't help that the kids get to select from about 80 different choices for their salads and they get to verbally direct this gal as she builds their salads.  And it also doesn't help that about 80% of the school chooses salad bar.  I tried to talk so many kids into noodles today.  Mostly they said no, and then we would stand at salad bar entrance and talk about how to better design salad bar day.  Some ideas:  Have salad bar day in both entrances, and don't offer other choices.  Have an extra worker at the salad bar station. Send Noodle Gal over to Salad Bar station. Let kids build their own salads, with their own hands.  My solution, eliminate salad bar day altogether was roundly put down by pretty much everyone.  They just stood in the endless line longing for the lettuce and couldn't see the beauty and efficiency of the noodles just on the other side of the milk cooler. I couldn't figure it out.  Those noodles looked fantastic.


Anonymous said…
We have salad bar at our school, and I think the kids just make their own. I will check into it and pass along any helpful tips. Also, check your txts. Have been thinking about the view lately--do I need a change???
LH said…
Yes, please look. Yes, please make a change.
StreibProjects said…
hilarious. i have cafe duty twice a week and recess duty only once. if that happens again next year, I'm going to throw a tantrum in the middle of the office floor.

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