The Team

The team is back from a trip full of cheerful cheeriness.  In short, we love our kin.

We got to see the new Mission Impossible film, starring Tom Cruiser.  This is one of those movies that you should really see if you feel like it.  It's full of gadgets and get up and go. You never know when a ghost protocol may be put into play and all you'll have is the team standing between the world and total annihilation. Something to think about.


mm said…
Why are there unopened gifts? Open them!
Anonymous said…
Yay for the return of the Heffernan/Sternberg clan! How I've missed them, one and all.
KC said…
I am wanting to see that MI movie. Instead we went to the Muppet Movie, and I felt like maybe our seats were too close or something because I didn't really enjoy watching it on the big screen. What's up with that?

Glad your back and love this dog.
KC said…
omg. you'RE, obvi.
Julie Anna said…
Husband wants to see MI. I am only vaguely interested. I want to see War Horse and Sherlock Holmes. So far we have gone to the movies exactly zero times over the holidays, mostly due to a raging head cold I have contracted.

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