Editing the editor

Katha Pollitt wrote about the role editors play in keeping women out of journalism. I am fooling around with using editor as a metaphor for the writing teacher and I try to be critical of the metaphor as I write. At some point, the editor thing may just fall apart. The dissertation keeps doing that. I work on something for weeks and then I feel dissatisfied. But John Green and many other writers seem to embrace the revision work they do with editors, so it may be useful in the end. Rosalyn recommends Green's new book, Looking for Alaska.


Anonymous said…
John Green seems like a cool guy. I should put his book on my summer reading list. (I also need to put books about digital literacies on my summer reading list.)

This statement of his is interesting: "But my favorite YA books have a lot less narrative distance between the story told and the storytelling than my favorite adult books."

In other news, I'm annoyed with modblog. It's frequently down for maintenance. And my trackback has been hijacked by someone else's blog.
Should I switch to Blogger?
LH said…
I was wondering about the john green quote. I may have to ask Rosalyn for some concrete examples.
I did get a few not in service messages when I tried to blog on to your blog today. Blogger's pretty good. Sometimes it has glitches tho too. Can we have coffee on Tuesday? That ends up being better for me.
Did you watch Greenlight?
Anonymous said…
No Greenlight for me. I just can't handle another show, frankly... Maybe I'll catch the reruns this summer.

Coffee Tuesday is actually better for me too. I am available anytime except between 1-2:30
LH said…
3:00 somewhere would be good.

greenlight reruns are a good idea. There's some weird tension on that show.

I'm low on shows right now. have to remedy that situation.

Anonymous said…
I just can't recommend Making the Band strongly enough. You need to jump on the Diddy train.
LH said…
Okay, I'm on it.
What night is it?
I probably missed another week, but mtv is good about doing the marathons before the new show.
I actually went to the blogs on the bravo/project greenlight site tonight. Gotta pull that together. Also read many blogs about peeps today. But I did write a few pages, so it's all good.

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