Up in arms... Posted by Hello


Anonymous said…
My 3 year old son wants to know what your son is hanging on. I keep telling him he just has his hands in the air, but he insists that he's hanging on the window shade. "How can he be hanging on that if it's in the back of the picture?" I ask. "Because there are two," he responds. I wish I had the conviction of a 3 year old sometimes.
Anonymous said…
About what?
Anonymous said…
Whoa -- spring break started, and Quinn went wild!!!

(I've decided that it's okay to break the one exclamation mark rule in blogs. Maybe I'll blog about that today.)

p.s. Did you watch MTB? I think they need to start cutting in order to make it more exciting. Compared to Lost, which we also watched last night, it totally sucked.
LH said…
2 window shades....good theory.
He had just seen the movie Almost Famous and was imitating a scene where some musician exclaims, "I'm a Golden God!" He wanted me to put that as the caption, but i had already created my own clever version. I didn't watch making the band or survivor last night. I talked to judy (see above) until the phone went dead. that's a great way to end phone calls. I might blog about that some time.

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