Now they live here too. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said…
Are they "Ugly Dolls"? Shef has a stuffed one, and we've been taking his picture with it every month so we can see how he grows.
LH said…
Yeah, they are. I've seen the stuffed ones, but never the plastic variety. They were selling them at the flower show at Marshall fields. I love them.
Anonymous said…
What are Ugly Dolls? If I take my picture next to one, might it guarantee that I will in comparison look pretty?
Anonymous said…
Here are some Ugly Dolls, Cari:

I think if you continue to carry that new purse of yours, you'll look extra pretty all spring.
LH said…
The Ugly Dolls were a big hit in the easter baskets. I think Max deserves one, especially after all he's been thru with the ear infection...

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