Take the Meanness Out of You

Whenever my father visits, and I'm dressed in running clothes ready to leave for a slog, he says, "Go for a run! It'll take the meanness out of you!" First off, I was going for a run anyway, so I don't know why he feels the need to give me this direction. Second off, don't tell me I'm mean, okay? Third off, there is some rightness to his words, which kind of irks me all the more. Yesterday started off with me in the starring role of Queen of MEAN. I had to apologize to two people before 9 am. I pulled it together and went for a run. Rosalyn walked behind me and pretty much never lagged far behind. Annoying, but still the meanness did dissipate through this slight physical activity. A movie in the afternoon helped too.


Anonymous said…
So, how was that movie? I was a huge fan of Felicity, so I'm kind of interested in it.

We're home from Shef's birthday bash, and we're tired! I have to work on the paper for Tim's class, so I'm having a diet coke.
LH said…
It was really good. Was the youngest sister Felicity? I think Rosalyn used to watch that show. Did Shef have fun? Did he score any cool gifties?

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