The Journey

Limestone carver came to school today to carve a limestone jaguar. A few kids were chosen to carve with him. Several were irked they weren't chosen. I wanted to be chosen too, but I wasn't even considered, so I thought they should just buck up. I read a book called Blues Journey to the kiddos. One kid said it was "too sad," but I didn't get that at all. We ended the morning with me humming a blues riff while kids stood up to read out blues lines they'd written about their standardized tests. Too wild, no one listening, but every once in a while a line drifted through the ruckus about a brain that's been hurt so bad or a line about how long, how long, how long those tests go on. #1 son's picking out some blues cd's for me to haul in there tomorrow. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
Okay. I believe Oprah went over the top this time. Although now I'm kicking myself for not getting tx to her season premiere.
Anonymous said…
hey -- your class sounds rad. i wish sheffie could have you for a teacher every year from 1-6.

also, i like
Anonymous said…
The blues in 6th grade. I can't think of anything more appropriate.
LH said…
hey jw, i'm irked about the whole hermes thing.
kc, we've been listening to okgo on your rec. that dance vid is way awesome for million ways. thanks for the tip.
ms. bbw, i agree. not too much blues at lotus this year. boohoo.

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