Sacred Wine Ritual

When I first moved up here, I walked by cafes and looked longingly at pals inside, yakking over assorted beverages. I wrote to my friend Marion that I loved having so much free time this year, but I most missed talking with friends while drinking wine. Last night I went to the pasta bar with Jessie and KC after class. (They got carded, I did not.) Food and fun talk with these two friends from the northland pleased me immensely. As I left them, I was surprised by a flood of emotions.
Note to sabbatical, work the sacred wine ritual into your routine.


Anonymous said…
I'm so jealous!!! Wish I could have been there. I did join you in spirit, as I had my own glass of wine at home while watching the newest Batchelor season. It was GOOD!!! But then my 3 year old woke up with a fever, and at 2 in the morning vomited all over our bed. And at 3:30 in the morning my baby peed all over his bed and all over me (I didn't know that his diaper was off-center). What a night. And to think that my husbnad was at the hospital and missed it all. How does he get to be so lucky????
Anonymous said…
Ignore that last post. I thought my original one was lost in cyberspace. I guess I just am.
Anonymous said…
So Lee. I'm trying to understand your links. When I click on Sacred Wine Rituals, it takes me to site about multicultural books. Is there supposed to be a connection, or is it just supposed to be a fun surprise?

Also, have you purchased any of these books. I'm interested.
LH said…
Hey Cari,
Most times I link to stuff I want to remember to read later, but sometimes I link to things that vaguely connect. Lee and Low is a publisher of multicultural books and I have bought some of their books. I am trying to learn more about small presses that have social justice criteria to what they publish, because I have critical criteria for what kids publish in my classroom, so that's why I linked 'em. I'm watching Amazing Race for the first time. May become a habit!!!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the Amazing Race. I haven't really watched much of it this time. One season they had these two gay friends who named themselves Team Cha Cha Cha. DURING the race, they'd stop and shop, buy cologne, take the time to travel in style with limos. They were so charming, that despite their lack of competitiveness sometimes, they actually got quite far in the race. A lot of times they have these crazy couples who are just nasty to each other. It would be the trip of a lifetime, though.
LH said…
Last night was my first time to watch it. The couple that was booted had a very obnoxious man in it. I was happy to see him go and hoped she could extricate herself from him. There was an older, retired couple who just kept plugging along. She fell down in a cave and had to get a stitch in her head. She looked like death warmed over by the end, but hung in there. 6 couples left. You might want to get on board....
Hope I can get some work done today. I'm feeling slightly unmotivated.
Anonymous said…
Are Rob and Amber still left? I might just watch it just so I can see them again. One disappointing thing about this show is that over the seasons, there have been many more "pretty people." More "Dating Models" and skimpier outfits. The begins to lose something (besides clothing).
LH said…
Yes, Rob and Amber are still in and people do not like them at all. The people seem pretty normal looking this time. And except for Rob and Amber and the people who were kicked off last night, they're pretty nice to one another. A few people recognized Rob and Amber in S. Africa and helped them out last night. Quinn and I thought that was unfair.
Anonymous said…
Oh but it's a race. You use what you got, right?

One season there was a team of a little person and her typical-sized cousin. They absolutely played the "size card" whenever they could.
"Look, she's a little person. Can you give us a ride?" Almost literally a quote from the show.

Last season the "Married Wrestlers" really stooped when the husband pretended to have Cerebral Palsy in order to be let ahead in the line at an airport.

Since my oldest son is still a little sick (blood snot shooting out his nose all over my cream carpets!!!), I get to watch Survivor...yeah!!!!
LH said…
Oh man oh man on the bloody snot.
I missed survivor because a friend called and we got to talking. The race is a hoot. KC is urging me to watch making of the band. we only have one tv this year, so i have to negotiate.
Anonymous said…
When exactly does Making the Band come on?

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