The Roti?

I had a big plan today to go to the vegetarian restaurant on the corner to order some take out for lunch. It looks like a great place, and I've been wanting to try it.  Vegetarian restaurants are few and far between, let's face it. In the end I switched gears after mulling over the plan and all it would involve. The restaurant is small and usually fairly empty.  Was I really in the mood to talk with people I don't know?  What if there were awkward moments as I waited for my order?  What did I really know about the place in the long run?

I probably made too big a deal out of the whole enterprise, what with blogging about it and all.  If I truly wanted roti with textured vegetable protein or calaloo with dumplings, I could have pushed through my mulling and gathered up my moxie.

In the end, I decided to stay home and have a toasted cheese sandwich.  It was delightful and the veggie place will still be there tomorrow.  Also, Husbandman maybe will pick up a roti for me on his way home some time.  

So, in short.  you don't have to make a big deal out of stuff.  Just do what you want to do and move on.


mm said…
I feel as though you made a poor choice by not going to the restaurant. I hope Husbandman picks you up something to prove my point.
kc said…
Good motto. I agree. Whatever. You can always go another time, or not.
Judy said…
You would have been walking into a trap!!!
LH said…
So I went to the restaurant today and got some take out. As predicted, the restaurant still existed and had a fine lunch of TVP roti and corn soup.

Back to work!
Julie said…
I do try to make this my motto. I was tempted to push myself off the couch and out into the world to attend a yearly Bloomington event, but I didn't want to as much as I felt like I should've wanted to, so I didn't. I do many things, as do you, so I don't think we should stress about those ones we don't want to do all that much.
LH said…

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