Learnings #21: Dogs, Buses, Estrogen

I learned about clipping a dog's toenails from my little sister Faith and our good friend Bonnie.  If you have a dog, you should be getting this done.  Otherwise, the toenails can grow into the dog's little foot pads.  That part's not on the video because the video shut off unexpectedly, but I thought it was important to share.

Here's some other learning I did today.  I keep hearing the expression "thrown under the bus" this summer.  I've heard it a zillion times.  Where'd this phrase come from you ask?  Well guess what?  No one really knows, but this is interesting; huddle up.  The expression's not that old.  Etymologists think it first showed up in the late 80's or early 90's.  I think that's fascinating.  The expression's everywhere.  One linguist said that people are sometimes like parrots.  We hear a phrase and then we say it.

I have a doctor's appt. today and I know my doctor is going to suggest I start taking estrogen.  I've got about 20 minutes to learn more about this before I head out to discuss this with a medical professional. Probably should have focused more on the estrogen learning and less on the bus expression learning this morning.

At this point, water under the bridge.


LH said…
Update: No need for estrogen at this time.
Anonymous said…
Have Judy show you the book I purchased for her once about "phrases".��

Sarah M.

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