The Hoarders

I've been on a Hoarders kick this weekend. Have watched about 6 episodes. I like watching Hoarders because after I watch it I throw a bunch of stuff away. If you tend to be a hoarder, get some help.  Hoarding is like burying yourself alive. I'm considering going back to school to get a degree in psychology, specializing in OCD and hoarding.  I think I could help hoarders, if they would only let me.


mm said…
Hoarders? I thought you'd be watching the Hoosiers!
Fun New Teacher said…
We've spent entire weekends watching Hoarders on Netflix. After I watch it, I feel like I have the cleanest and most organized house and life. ;)
LH said…
mm, I watched Hoarders AND Hoosiers. Hoosiers are now big 10 champions. Happiness in hoosierville.

FNT, There's something about that show. Like you, it really alleviates a lot of my anxiety about home & life. Happy Spring Break!!!!

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