The Earrings

Remember those scissor earrings I told you about?  I bought them in Berkeley, California.  Well yesterday a little kinder asked if she could touch them and I said yes and then she basically broke one right off, trying to get them to use them as actual scissors.  I wanted to say, "Look I know you're just 5 years old, but these are clearly made from a solid piece of balsa wood and are not actual scissors.  Use common sense."  Instead I said, "No big deal. Things break all the time."

I probably should not have let her touch them, but who would think something that looks like this could  function as scissors? Think it through, kinder.

Other than the earring debacle, the re-entry's been pretty good.  I'm already exhausted, but that's par for the course.  This week involves a ton of data nonsense.  Last night I watched some more Hoarder episodes while I typed in #'s, and I think I've hit the wall with hoarders.  That show can bring me down.  I've switched over to Dog Whisperer, for the time being.


Fun New Teacher said…
I spent the entire weekend watching episode after episode of The Dog Whisperer. Then, I watched the episode of South Park where The Dog Whisperer helps Cartman's mom train Cartman, using his techniques (season 10, episode 7 on Netflix) LOL! Now I'd like to try his techniques on the kiddos when I return to school ;) Tsst!

KC said…
The only thing you can possibly do is order another pair of those adorable earrings. Do it now.
mm said…
You are very patient and kind. I may have freaked.

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