Ugh.  I've been feeling a bit on the ugh side.  In the coaching gig, I want to be UPstairs in the classrooms with the peeps, but every day I'm UNDER pressure to get things done on the computer in my office.  Tomorrow I have to get 150 kids entered into a testing program.  It should have been done 3 days ago. That's going to take some time.  I take umbrage at that part of my job.  I actually think I've just been UNDER the weather for longer than I've realized.  The huge gross infection under my neck may have been my body's way of giving me the what for.  Anyway, I know this is rambling, but a breakfast at the UPTOWN and a day on the couch with a Top Chef Just Desserts marathon has me rested UP, if not yet UPBEAT.  I've just gotta stay UNITED with the peeps at school, and not worry so much at the clerical, numerical UGLINESS.  


mm said…
I love that you really do (or at least it seems as you really do) spend a lot of time with the kids although I understand your frustrations.

How's your neck? I hope you are feeling better.
KC said…
I'm glad you took a day off to rest up. ((hugs))!
StreibProjects said…
I seriously have to STOP clicking on your links. good gawd woman!
Goodwoman said…
How are you feeling?
Anonymous said…
I too watched the JD marathon. Then the new one. Not sure I'm going to like the new one. I prefer "Just" desserts over all that fancy sugar stuff.

Come over for wine.

Anonymous said…
Please put an alert of your blog when you have such links!!
LH said…
D----tomorrow eve?

As for the links, Pals, that eye cyst foto has been haunting me for days. Had to link it, to get it out of my system. My cyst was nothing like that, but it does give one pause.
Anonymous said…
By "tomorrow" eve, did you mean Thursday (today) or Friday (tomorrow)? Don't know when you wrote your message.

Anonymous said…
Oops. Just looked at the timing of your message. Looks like it was written this morning, so that means tomorrow (Friday). Sounds good to me.

jdoc said…
I'm glad I read the comments before clicking on the links.
LH said…
D.... I thought today was Wednesday. But I think I can still come tonight. Can not come tomorrow.

I'll get back to you lady jane.
Anonymous said…
Sorry. Can't do it tonight. Taking Mandy to Drool in the Pool.
Next week?

Julie Anna said…
sorry you've been under the weather. I've had a weird week myself. Trying to think of of c25k encouragement but am having trouble having any enthusiasm about anything today. After tomorrow, after I mediate with the devil-incarnate, I shall feel better I think. We should have a girls night out soon.

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