Pals, there's a new ALPHABET challenge, thanks to PRONTO. So remember your great ALPHABETIC comments last year? Get in on the ACT, AMIGOS!
This is me ACTING like I'm playing a saxophone. My ARTFUL learning group was re-enacting scenes from the life of Jacob Lawrence. I don't want to be immodest, but my group rocked the ACTING ASSIGNMENT, which was to depict: Departure, Journey, ARRIVAL. In this scene, Jacob and his family have ARRIVED in New York City. I'm ACTING like I'm playing sax in Harlem and I end the scene with a jubilant, "Welcome to Harlem, Baby!"
ACTUALLY, ACTING's not my forte. I get nervous and my stomach hurts whenever we have to do these ARTFUL learning ACTING scenes. BUT... my friend Peggy ALBERS told me once that these feelings are part of the ART of ACTING. AND I can see that this might be true. BTW, I did find out that I was holding the sax incorrectly, so don't feel you need to tell me ABOUT that in the comments. Just give me ACCOLADES.
This is me ACTING like I'm playing a saxophone. My ARTFUL learning group was re-enacting scenes from the life of Jacob Lawrence. I don't want to be immodest, but my group rocked the ACTING ASSIGNMENT, which was to depict: Departure, Journey, ARRIVAL. In this scene, Jacob and his family have ARRIVED in New York City. I'm ACTING like I'm playing sax in Harlem and I end the scene with a jubilant, "Welcome to Harlem, Baby!"
ACTUALLY, ACTING's not my forte. I get nervous and my stomach hurts whenever we have to do these ARTFUL learning ACTING scenes. BUT... my friend Peggy ALBERS told me once that these feelings are part of the ART of ACTING. AND I can see that this might be true. BTW, I did find out that I was holding the sax incorrectly, so don't feel you need to tell me ABOUT that in the comments. Just give me ACCOLADES.