The Fears

Yesterday I read a book about being frightened to the kinders.  The last page of the book asks, "What are you frightened of?"
One little kinder yelled out right away, "I'm scared of JESUS!"
I think the kid's getting some bad information somewhere, but I didn't want to get into it.


Anonymous said…
Happy you're enjoying And the Pursuit... Have you read any of her other stuff?

Watched Exit from the Gift Shop yesterday. VERY good. Thanks! The glasses aren't necessary, but cause an interesting LSD type of prism view.

You owe us an explanation for/about your latest photo.

Anonymous said…
Forgot to tell you: I'm in the middle of Patti Smith's book. I think it added to my movie experience.

Julie Anna said…
My kids might've said something like this, based on my totally innocent attempts to give them some biblical background. Someone gave them a Children's bible when they were little and some of the stories in it (like Daniel in the Lion's Den) scared them to death, as did the "Living Nativity" thing that the local MegaChurch does. They saw all the live animals then got to the fake Jesus on the cross and they thought it was a real dead person. Maybe your kinder experienced something like this.
Anonymous said…
El loved this story. The cold building is our school's way of saving money--no heat. It's ridiculous. More dentist appts today, but I was just the driver. I was looking for some BL tweets last night. Grace kept txting me about the donut! Guess we have to wait till next week to find out the other trainers.
LH said…
Hey D, I read her other book, Principles of Uncertainty? I loved it. You gave it to me a few years ago. I'm glad you liked the Gift Shop. I'm curious about Banksy.

As for the photo, those are just 2 of the 15 staples that were in R's leg after the surgery.

I'm jazzed you're reading Patti's book. I wish I lived in the Chelsea Hotel.

Hey J and N, So glad to see you here dears.

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