The Target

Friends, do not go to Target.  It's a nightmare there.  I bought #1 son some stuff for college, and I'm afraid to say he was somewhat underwhelmed by my purchases.  The notebooks?  A shrug.  The shower caddy?  A look of incredulity. He'll probably be happy later, when he realizes how awesome that shower caddy is.
You're probably all wondering how I'm doing with the impending "empty nest."  Honestly, not well.  I've asked #1 son to text with me each day.  He hasn't responded yet.  Anyway, I've got to suck it up and stay strong.  Kids grow up and leave.  It's a pretty weird social norm if you really think about it, but that's just the way it is.  #1 son and 20 something daughter both leave on Tuesday.  I'm trying to think of something I can buy myself as a consolation prize.


Yes, you deserve a prize! I'm having a hard time with Kindergarten and Eli will be at school downstairs! :\ I'm feeling sorry for myself too.
mm said…
I hope you find a better prize than a carrier pigeon... just saying.
LH said…
Mandie, I get it. We can feel sorry for ourselves together. Maybe at Nick's?

And MM, the carrier pigeon movie was long and slow, but had a sweet side to it. Check it out if you want: The Pigeoneers
Anonymous said…
Sigh. How does this happen??!!
cb said…
The shower caddy is probably very awesome. The empty nest -- not so awesome.

Sending a bunch of good vibes your way tomorrow. Don't just settle for one gift. This is a multiple gift situation.

love to you,
LH said…
Omg, I'm a wreck. I don't like this.
cb said…
It's just not good. Feeling like I'm melting, or alternately, like my head is exploding. Is that normal? Cannot imagine a double dose.
LH said…
What's horrible is I try not to act morose around the kiddos but I just end up crying a ton. Then 20 something cries too. But # 1 just laughs and makes jokes. He does give some sympathetic hugs thru the laughter, so that's nice. But I end up feeling kind of bad that I'm being so emotive ,either way.
KC said…
This separation just sucks. :(

The photo, however, is gorg. What's the story? Bridesmaids?
LH said…
Yes, 20 something and her good pal were bridesmaids last weekend. I think they look very beautiful.

20 something just left. I'm okay. Going to have coffee. I may drink a ton of coffee today.
LH said…
I'm cheering up. Bought myself 6 kids books about my favorite artists. Going to be great to read these as part of the One Book One Fairview project.

We march.
KC said…
The bridesmaids are indeed very beautiful. And they look so happy. Love it.

The books were a great idea. I think you should probably just keep buying yourself little things. That's the ticket.
cb said…
Coffee and presents are the ticket, I agree. And those bridesmaids make the pretty dresses look so good. Beautiful.

Wish I could hear you on the radio.


P.S. We shopped at Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday evening. Yikes. But we got some cool stuff.
LH said…
I've only cried about 4 or 5 times today. So that's good. I noticed #1 son left the notebooks behind. I was thinking about driving the notebook over to his dorm.
cb said…
Well, some people leave an item or two behind on purpose. I believe that phenomenon has been documented on Seinfeld.

Plus, I'll bet the notebooks are awesome.
LH said…
#1 son texted yesterday. He said that College is going well so far. Everyone can relax. Just calm down people.
jdoc said…
Happy to hear about the text. Good job, #1. He's going to rock college.
Anonymous said…
I just this pic of roz. Jw

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