The Drought

The theme of the day has to be PRODUCTIVITY.  With my 15 minute timer I should be able to whip out all the nagging things that are driving me insane.  I am making a power point about Mike Schmoker's book to present on Friday morning.  I'm adding pictures of baby animals to each slide, so I think everyone will enjoy that.  Still have to pop up some bulletin board letters.  I agonize over the stupidest stuff.  I'm thinking of writing stuff like, "THIS IS A READING BULLETIN BOARD."  AND "THIS BOARD WILL HAVE SOME STUFF FROM THE ONE BOOK ONE FAIRVIEW PROJECT ON IT, ONCE IT GETS ROLLING."  Just informational messages so people know what's going on, and there's clarity.


KC said…
I really like the idea of putting off the actual content of the board. You don't need to have that job completed right this second. What about paper, a border, and then an intriguing message in the corner, like "Space Reserved for Fabulous One Book One Fairview Project." And then maybe a baby animal? Love that idea.
LH said…
Ready for the back to school district meeting. I'm not actually ready but I'm going.
jdoc said…
I agree with KC. I used to have the paper and border ready on one board with a heading like "Share Your Success." I had no idea what would go on there later, but I figured it was good to assume success from the start. Motivation for all.

Good luck!
jdoc said…
Also, I'm pretty sure I stole that I idea from a book. Just wanted to cite my (unknown) source.
Anonymous said…
I did a "get caught reading" bulletin bd. I took pics of faculty and staff members reading a book and posted them. And then I take pics of the firsties reading during daily five and post them everywhere in the library. Such readers!!
LH said…
The bulletin boards really are pretty good. I'll try to remember to take some pix this week.

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