Today Judith sent me my new school year note pad in a big brown school mail envelope. This has become a pleasant ritual. Each year a notepad arrives around this time, reminding me that it's school time and I better hang on to the small sillinesses that keep time moving forward. This year's version was a notepad with just the letter F on all the pages. Judith wrote, "This F can stand for whatever you want it to." Pretty neat that the F pad ARRIVED JUST TODAY on F day, wouldn't you say? Obviously I may want to use it to write down items on my FRICKIN to do list that I'm FREAKING out about. Or I may want to write down some ridiculous FLIM FLAM note to hand to a colleague while we're engaged in serious professional development, just to lighten up the spirits. Or I may walk around the building handing out EPIC FAIL F's to people I'm not too thrilled with at the moment. If I see someone doing something annoying, I could just rip an F off the notepad and hand it over. "Here you go Noodlehead! Here's an F! EPIC FAIL! Just what you deserve! Poorly done!"
However I use it, the F pad has obviously stirred some powerful imaginings today. Thank you, Judith!
However I use it, the F pad has obviously stirred some powerful imaginings today. Thank you, Judith!
I could hand out F's for Fabulous Fairview Faculty Member???? You know, go positive and all that.