The Review

As today was a hot, humid, sultry day, I took myself off to Bad Teacher.  This is one of those films that you really should see if you want to.  There is a BAD teacher and a GOOD teacher and a couple of silly men.  It's quite funny.  I liked the rock band segment, where a group of teachers who called themselves Period 5, sang really horrid covers.  I also liked the segment where Cameron Diaz screeches at some kids running down the hall.  These scenes made the movie feel comfortable and familiar. Well done, makers of Bad Teacher!


Anonymous said…
I wish I would have known! It was a very humid, summery day, and I could have used to sit in a cool theater watching a silly film.
Anonymous said…
Really? You liked it?

LH said…
Nance, It was a quick decision after I got back from the long hot drive from Louisville. I'd see it again tho. So let me know if you want to go. D, I did like it. It's v. silly.

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