Bad luck in Bookland?

Bryson's book took me months to read and left me nervous about dust mites and the volcano in Wyoming that's 30,000 years' overdue for its next huge blow. FYI: It's going to be really big.
Perrotta's book had a good ending, but the characters were so twisted and tormented. I found myself worrying about mites and lava rather than reading it when I had time. But the story did poke at me, so that's not really bad luck.
I love Satrapi's Persepolis books. She has a new one and Dorothy sent me an interview with her at Salon. She likens Bush to the mullahs in Iran. She urges Americans to protect our democracy---"Every day, wake up with this idea that you have to defend your freedom." The writer, Michelle Goldberg, describes Satrapi's book this way:

"Embroideries is less explicitly political than the Persepolis books....In Embroideries, Satrapi confines herself to the dramas that happen inside, telling the romantic (or unromantic) tales of a group of female relatives and friends. Yet in the context of a regime determined to control women's sexuality, these stories are subversive."

Sounds g.o.o.d.


Anonymous said…
I've been meaning to tell you that I blogged about Little Children.

It's been four days since I've blogged, and I fear I'm in serious trouble. I vow to post an entry tonight while I force myself to watch Finding Forrester. When I put the DVD in, I realized I had rented it before and quit about 30 minutes in. Sheesh.
LH said…
Yes, I know it's been four days.
I've been clicking new savvy mom.
Finding Forrester was not good. I can't wait til the class where we discuss it.

Read your little children blog entry. he does know how to capture a troubling idea in a fragment of text.

what other books by perrotta have you read? i may track him down like a dog.
Anonymous said…
There's some new Savvy Mom now.

I made myself do it.
LH said…
I'm glad you're getting those priorities straightened out...
I'm on my way over there...

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