Fall 2012: The Outside

Part of my fall blogging challenge is getting outside as much as possible during fall.  I've been inside too much of late, holed up through a scorching summer and computerizing myself through a hectic beginning of the school year.  But today I went outside a few times.  On the way to my car in my driveway, I took a few pictures of various flora and fauna.  Before dinner, I took a brisk walk.  Saw three large dogs and one curly small dog. Plus some of the first fall foliage caught my eye.  There's definitely stuff to see out there.
I took a day off today and worked with Mitz on our NCTE proposal.  Every fall I make the NCTE talk into a huge ordeal and I'm sure you'll be glad to know that it looks like this fall will be no different.
In the morning, I drove to a place where blood was taken from my arm to determine if I'm in menopause or not.  I kind of hope I am because I'm always on the lookout for something new.  Plus, I'm sick of spending so much money on so called feminine products.  What a rip.
Today in the car, when I was outside but in my car, I listened to one of 20 something's CD's, all about Gangsta Loving.  Pretty good.


jdoc said…
I'm excited about this fall challenge. Sam and I are going to take some pictures tomorrow morning for the first entry. It will probably be one of Sam trying to rake the yard with a rake three times his size. He thinks he's a lot bigger than he is. Good luck with the talk. Will you be going to LRA by chance? That's my fall conference this year. WIth any luck (actually a lot of luck), I hope to have a draft of this monster paper before then.
LH said…
JDoc, When my kids were little someone told me to enjoy the seasons with them. I really tried to do just that. I can picture Mr. Sam with the rake. This is fun stuff.

May go to LRA. May not. I'll keep you posted.
Anonymous said…
Glad you took a day to write! Jw
Did you listen to the whole thing? Did you listen to "Fill Me In"? That's a really good one.
LH said…
I didn't listen to the whole thing. I liked that American Boy song

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