The Prom

Lifetime channel's going to air a movie in March called "For One Night." It's based on a true story about a girl in Georgia, Gerica McCrary, who worked to have an integrated prom at her high school. In 2002. Geez Louise. The school does not host a prom because they want to discourage interracial dating. So the kids raise money and have two separate proms each year, a black prom and a white prom. I don't know where I was in 2002, because I don't remember this story and I was pretty surprised to read about it here. More reading today revealed that the high school kids decided to return to separate proms in 2003. Black prom was open to all, though. Teen Daughter says the movies on Lifetime usually seem like they are made in about an hour. I hope this one is decent because the sixers read Wire Tap's article today and want to check it out.
i think several will tune into watch Raven.
glad to see you. I think we need more pics of the extended family. Just MHO.
Thanks for the sentiment but I'm afraid trouble with the FBI and
other elements has forced me to keep away from the camera's eye in recent years.