The process for a new chapter of the diss works like this. I sit and stare and sigh for a week or two. I get an idea and start fooling around. The idea turns into a huge out of control mess. That's the stage I'm in right now. The mess stage is
exasperating and exhilarating at the same time. I recognize with every move that so much more needs to be done. At the same time, there's a lot of cool stuff to work with and so the time on the diss is interesting. When the
diss work is in this stage, I feel pretty good. Good enough to blow off reading the 60 memoirs lurking in my tote bag to head
out to see Capote.
Also, Quinn looks totally mod and grown up in this pic.
Finally, good work on the diss. :)
happy monday good friends. i'm thinking of getting more coffee.
I agree that our friend Truman doesn't shine like a beacon in the integrity show. I want to read more about him. And I want to read In Cold Blood too. But the movie is a must see I think. Hoffman really nailed it.
J, Curious Incident is good. When do you leave on the trip of my dreams?