The Comments

I thought Jimmy Carter’s comments at Coretta Scott King’s funeral were smart and timely. In his speech he “made reference to government spying that the Kings endured and continued racial injustice evidenced by the Hurricane Katrina disaster.” There has been some critique of funeral “highjacking,” but I listened to excerpts of the speeches on the radio last night and the exuberance of the applause of those in attendance prove that Carter and Reverend Lowery were in the right place at the right time. If I die in the next few years, I just want all of you to know that it’s perfectly A-OK with me if you want to say anything bad about the Bush administration during my funeral. Go for it, my friends.
I understood the grief of the speaker who did the damage, but I wish Mondale had won the race in spite of it.
Anyway, if I do die in the next couple of years, and Bush happens to be in attendance at my funeral, please, I beg of you, take a stand, and tell him that I was really displeased with how he ran the country. if every liberal leaning person left a disclaimer like this in their will, that could really solve this problem.
i'm actually hoping to have a little party before I go. i'll keep you posted.
and ms. nance, someone on a blog did a really funny piece about our pres squirming around in his chair as he listened to Rev. Lowery. I wish I'd been watching that. let's get together yeah yeah yeah...