The News

Our electives are coming to an end and the sixers wrote some great news articles for the first edition of our paper. Last week, they went over the rough draft copy and suggested a few changes. That's why I was caught off guard by their reaction when I plunked down 200 copies of the final issue on a desk yesterday. Twenty kids rushed round and started screaming bloody murder. CAN WE DELIVER IT NOW???? CAN WE TAKE THIS HOME??? CAN I DELIVER TO MRS. PRESTON'S ROOM? IS THIS THE FINAL COPY???????? IS EVERYTHING IN HERE? The barrage was deafening. I attempted to interject when one of the sixers grabbed a big stack of papers and ran out of the room. I got out there to see him tearing down the hallway, thrusting newspapers into the hands of anyone walking by. I caught up with the sixer, retrieved the papers, and told him that we were going to be delivering the papers in a slightly more systematic fashion. We returned to the classroom together, got the papers delivered and began on issue 2. I'm happy for the enthusiasm but honestly, the whole episode struck me as slightly over the top.
