The Reparations

Foto above shows my view on Monday night, when I ventured out to have dinner with two pals. You probably notice that the table seems empty except for my beverage and some reading material. In short, my friends never arrived. Foto below represents compensation for my losses as good pals hosted me to an awesome dinner at Mikado later in the week. Having received reparations, I feel I can move on with my life. (Thanks, D and M!)
Sushi dragon foto credit: Menosky.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like hardcore good times.
I hope I like sushi someday. And Indian food. People who like Indian food seem so sophisticated and interesting. I pretty much just like, like, Indiana food. Oh well. _RS
KC said…
ros, i think it's quite possible for you to develop a taste for sushi.

this happened for me while i was at macalester. maybe YOU should come to macalester, and the same thing would happen to you!?!

also indian food. i started liking that at mac too. (hint, hint).
Anonymous said…
mmmm sushi. Going to Costanoa for the weekend - no sushi but will see Joanne et al. Bob
Anonymous said…
One could also develop a taste for Indian food and Sushi at Carleton. . . although, I admit, one would have to drive to the cities for it. Still, pick Carleton, Ros.
LH said…
Mr. Bob, how was your evening with our pal J? we are starting to talk about a california trip this summer. who knows if it will happen? we miss you all.

j and k, the education sec. of the nyt had a list of universities that accept less than half their applicants. both mac and carl were on it. carleton, a bit lower percentage. i think they should advertise the universities that accept all their applicants. that would make the application process more pleasant.

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