May Bee Day 28

Maybe I'll finish up the work related responsibilities soon.  I finished report cards today.  Still working on comments and cleaning the classroom.  It's all coming together. Husbandman brought over a bag of crickets for the tarantula.  Team effort.

Tonight Judith, Husbandman and I went to see the Emily Dickinson movie, A Quiet Passion.  Emily Dickinson died of Bright's Disease.  The movie was slow going, but so was her life.  Husbandman gives it a 2.5.  I'll reach out with a 3.  Might I but watch a more interesting movie about you, Emily.  

Don't like to criticize because I love Jennifer Ehle and Cynthia Nixon is a good one too. Maybe I was distracted.


mm said…
Does the tarantula live at school over the summer? I hope you don't bring him/her home.

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