
This unexpected pairing of remote and dice somehow seems to me to be fraught with peril. It scares the heck out of me to tell you the truth.  Let's all try to stay calm, give the photo the appreciative perusal it deserves, and then move on with life, putting #TwinTuesday in the recesses of our minds.

We have another snow day here, and I for one intend to live it in the now.  But looking forward momentarily,  my goals for the day look like this:  Restrict random reading of Bachelor articles, continue working on revisions of chapter 2, try hard not to eat the rest of the casserole that KVS brought over last night for all of us and lastly, to maintain a bright and cheerful attitude.  Maybe I'll take some photos as well.


Anonymous said…
Yes. I see your point. Peril, for sure. I enjoyed the Fourteenth Goldfish and glad you linked to this blogpost. Good stuff.
I'm pretending as though it's summer and went for a nice bike ride and cleaned out some closet shelves.
LH said…
I want to read that book to the Thirdlanders. Do you think it would make a good read aloud for us?
mm said…
This may be my favorite Twin Tuesday. I like how you roll.
Anonymous said…
For sure great read aloud for your class. It's fun, quirky and great characters!!They'll get a kick out of it.

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