The Holiday

A mere few weeks ago we were out on the deck, sharing our space with this family here, and enjoying summer ease. Now we're fully in swing and things are falling apart. My house is in disarray, I'm a week late on my mom's birthday gift, the polymorphous light eruption is back (and itching like crazy) and I keep getting unpleasant reminders that Teendaughter doesn't live here anymore.

It's time for me to take a deep breath and focus on WHAT's GOING RIGHT! Okay, let's think.
Um. Let's see.
What's going right?

Well, first off, I feel guilty saying this, but I feel pretty happy I'm not in the classroom right now. And secondly, I haven't gotten hysterical about TD leaving for 6 days. And C., I got to see some movies yesterday. Last, but not least, it's raining, so I don't have to water the two squashes.
And even more? A 3 day weekend is undeniably fantastic for everyone. I've started to think about exercising again. Just rolling it around in my mind a bit. Not going to rush into anything. Thinking about it (awareness) may just be the first step to doing it (action).

And finally, the NYTimes is sitting over there calling me back to the couch. So I'm about to have an hour of pleasantry. Happy Labor Day Eve, friends.


Anonymous said…
Are we on E.? E.: You are doing a phenom job at your new job, my dear.
LH said…
Thanks, dear friend. I won't argue with you because I'm getting repetitive.

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